The Los Lingos area was a great basing point. Using the terrain to help start herding the horses and cattle the Comancheros would have moved them north east to where the Little Red and the Prairie Dog Fork of the Red River meet. From there they would have traveled north up the Prairie Dog Fork and then up Mulberry Creek. Mulberry Creek would have provided good water for both people and livestock.
Staying along Melberry Creek they would have traveled pretty close to present day Washburn TX. Leaving Mulberry Creek their next destination was Wild Horse Lake which is located in Amarillo TX just a little ways north west of downtown. The next stop was Tecovos Springs which is a well documented camping spot.
Several of the books that have been written about the Comanchero trails try to take them north from Tecovos to the Canadian river. This comes from historians interpreting “they went along the Canadian river”, as traveled down the river. The reality is that traveling on the high plains above the Canadian River is “traveling along the Canadian river”. Traveling on the plains above the Canadian River would be a whole lot easer and faster than trying to make it through the rough country of the Canadian river breaks. By staying on the high plains and skirting the Canadian river breaks they would have had access to fresh water at many of the springs just off the Caprock.
Just before going into New Mexico they would have to come down from the Llano Estacado. The best place to traverse the Caprock on this trail is 1.5 miles south of where present day I-40 traverses down. From there the Comancheros would most likely traveled on a course to intersect the main trail close to Norton NM
After joining up with the Los Lingos cart trail they then traveled the same trail to Anton Chico and Chaperito.
I think you may be a little too far south on your location of where they went off to Los Lingos. I work on one of the ranches that are in that immediate area and it was my understanding that the original road off the cap in this area was built over an exisitng trail, which probably would have been a commanchero trail at the time. Who knows for sure? The road/trail is still visible from the right location.
We are aware of several trails. You are most likely right, the cart trail probably went up close to the present day highway. I would love to visit with you about that area. Please give me a call sometime or send me an email. Phone 806-447-0974 - - email --- Neal Odom
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